Puppy Questionnaire

Contact Information:

Veterinarian Information:

Yes No
Preferences: Gender Preference: Male Female
Quality Preference: Show Quality Pet Quality
If you are looking for a pet quality, would you consider a ridgeless RR? Yes No
Would you consider a puppy that has had a Dermoid Sinus removed by our vet prior to purchase? Yes No Maybe
Have you ever owned a RR before? Yes No

Answer the questions below based on items you are interested in undertaking with your RR.

Conformation: Yes No
Obedience: Yes No
Lure Coursing: Yes No
Agility: Yes No
Home and Lifestyle Information: If there is a significant other, do you both work? Yes No

Do you have children at home? Yes No

Do you understand that while this breed is good with children, they should never be purchased as the responsibility of the children? Yes No

Do you rent an apartment or home? Yes No
Do you have your landlords permission for a dog? Yes No N/A - Do not rent
Do you own a home? Yes No

Will the dog be kept primarily indoors or out? Inside Outside
How many hours per day?
Is your yard fenced? Yes, fully Yes, partially No
What type of fence?
Are all of the gates secure/locked? Yes No
Have you considered the cost of improvements necessary to have a secured yard for the puppy? Yes No
Will you be willing to purchase a crate and crate train your puppy? Yes No
Do you know how to crate train a puppy? Yes No

Early and extensive socialization is key in the development of a well balanced RR. Are you and your family willing to commit the time and effort to the early socialization of a puppy? Yes No
Rule of Thumb: Minimum of three new people and three new places every week. Can you do this? Yes No
Are you willing to take your puppy to a puppy obedience class? Yes No
Have you considered the time it takes to properly raise a puppy? Yes No

Have you been made aware of the negative qualities of the breed, and do you have the understanding that this breed may not be the best choice for everyone? Yes No
Are you considering breeding your RR? Yes No
Have you been made aware that all pet quality RR’s are sold on spay/neuter contracts and limited registration? Yes No
Has the term Limited Registration been explained to you? Yes No